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What to do if you dress like a man who accepts the (10th Jan 23 at 3:31am UTC)
Huai Kui knew that he was a tree demon who had been practicing for thousands of years, and because of his peaceful cultivation, he had never been contaminated with the blood of killing, so the man in the Taoist robe did not discover his identity and would show goodwill to himself. If he knew that he was a demon, he would be able to pull out his sword and kill her immediately. In the past few years since she came out, she had already suffered enough in front of these Taoist priests and monks, who did not know that they were demons, they immediately drew their swords against each other, regardless of their previous affection. But even so, Huai Su still lost his heart and squinted at the Taoist priest under the pear tree. "Miss, I am Taisu. I have offended and frightened the girl before. Please forgive me." Taisu picked up the small package, patted the petals on it, and then walked a few steps to the front of the locust tree and said to her with a smile. Childe worries too much, I have not been frightened. Huai Su returned with a shallow smile. In any case, it is impolite. I wonder where the girl is going? If it's on the way, why don't we go together? Taisu decided to give the girl a ride. After all, there were many evil spirits in the mountains. No matter where the girl said she was going, he would send her first. Anyway, he didn't have a specific destination when he went down the mountain. I'm going to Fengyuan City. Is it on the way? Huai Su broke a pear flower in her hand and shook it slightly. As it happens, I'm also going to Fengyuan City, so let's go together. Tai Su did not feel embarrassed at all, and directly set his next trip. Fengyuan city is not close to where they are at this time, a full three hundred miles, plus is the forest path, and because of the weather, walking for nearly a month, they are also more than half the distance from Fengyuan city. Two people get along day and night, travel together,Ozone generator ceramic plate, plus occasionally sleeping in the open air, lonely men and widows, occasionally no room in the inn, in the same room, and Huai Su deliberately close to him, after a long time, Taisu, a Taoist priest who had just come down the mountain, became interested in Huai Su. Fortunately, Taisu's school did not care whether his disciples got married or not,ceramic igniter electrodes, so Taisu did not evade Huai Su, but let nature take its course and came together with her. On the way to Fengyuan City, Taisu and Huai Kui exchanged their feelings and expressed their love. After arriving at Fengyuan City, Huai Kui did not enter the city. Instead, he came to a wooden house in a forest full of cherry blossoms about a dozen miles to the east outside Fengyuan City. Huai said that this was her home, and she lived here all the year round. Taisu did not trust her to live alone in the wild as a woman. In addition, they got along with each other day and night, so it was hard to avoid overstepping their authority, and they fell in love with her. After thinking about it, Taisu stayed under the surprise of the locust tree. However, without knowing it, he wrote a letter and sent it back to his master, and then he began to prepare for the wedding. Because he was really in love with the pagoda tree, he had three matchmakers and six hires, none of which was missing. After all, if he was hired, he would be his wife, and if he ran, he would be his concubine. His parents and countrymen were all cheap. He sincerely liked her, ceramic welding tape ,alumina c799, and did not want her to be criticized later, saying that her name was not correct, so he wrote to the school, and wanted his master to write a marriage certificate. Although it is more than ten miles away from Fengyuan City, Taisu will go to the city every day to buy wedding supplies, and even the matchmaker has been found, waiting for the auspicious day to let the matchmaker come to give Huai Su a surprise. The arrival of the matchmaker really made her happy for a long time. She looked at Taisu with a smile all the time. Her eyes were full of affection, and she was very tender to him. This made Taisu more motivated to arrange the wedding. More than two months have passed in a twinkling of an eye, and the tedious process of three books and six ceremonies, exchanging the Geng genealogy, passing the text, passing the big ceremony, settling the bed, buying the dowry, and so on has all been completed. The only thing left was to go out to meet the bride, but the auspicious day they had chosen was only a few days away, so they were still very busy, but they were all happy. Eight days later, the wedding went smoothly. Worship the hall, into the bridal chamber, drink the wine, then only lift the veil, reward the matchmaker matchmaker, is into the bridal chamber, who let them have no relatives and friends, neighbors to entertain, so did not leave the bride to drink the wedding wine, just give enough money for the wedding. A night of joy and lingering, not only too tired, even the thousand-year-old pagoda tree demon pagoda tree also tired do not want to move, anyway, they do not have parents-in-law elders or anything to offer tea, naturally can sleep to wake up naturally. In the following days, the newlyweds really mixed oil in honey, but occasionally Taisu would leave for a few days, but how to ask, Taisu did not say where to go, and Huai Su did not know out of what state of mind, did not secretly follow up, but became unhappy before Taisu left, and when Taisu came back, she would snub him for a day, then it was back to its original state. After three years of marriage, they are still lovers and concubines, sweet honey, may be God can not see past their dog food abuse. God/Will of the World: I won't take the blame! Thank you She was diagnosed to be pregnant. At first, both Huai Su and Tai Su were happy and at a loss, but later Huai Su was always worried when he thought that he was a tree demon, and Tai Su was a human being, or a Taoist priest who practiced eliminating demons. Their own pregnancy will certainly decline, until the day of childbirth must be a great loss of vitality, and the child is not necessarily human, he is likely to be a half-demon, or even a demon, at that time, her identity can not be hidden, at that time, if Taisu can not accept how to do? Even if the locust tree is worried again, the pregnancy in October, once the delivery is inevitable for her. Seeing that the day of childbirth is just around the corner, Huai Su wants to get rid of Tai Su and give birth to a child by herself. As long as she is given time to rest for two days,steatite c221, she will be able to cover up the breath of her child and not let Tai Su find out. But his wife was about to give birth, and how could Taisu be willing to leave, leaving his beloved wife alone at home.
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